Cobalt Carbonate

Current Position: Home » Products » COBALT SERIES


Product details:

Molecular formula: CoCO3
The molecular weight: 118.94
Traits Blue or pink powder, soluble in dilute acid or ammonia, insoluble in cold water, in the hot water decomposition。
Use:Cobalt salt, cobalt color dye, feed and porcelain chemical reagent, etc
Packing: Lining plastic bag packaging in good condition without damage, the specification is 25 kg/bag

Product standards:

Project The enterprise standard
Co(%) ≥46.0
Ni(%) ≤0.006
Fe(%) ≤0.003
Cu(%) ≤0.003
Mn(%) ≤0.003
Zn(%) ≤0.003
Ca(%) ≤0.003
Mg(%) ≤0.003
Na(%) ≤0.005
Pb(%) ≤0.003
Si(%) ≤0.005
Cl-(%) /
D50(μm) /
AD(g/cm3 /

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